About Us
The Pewsham Belles WI
We meet at 7.30pm on the 4th Thursday of every month except August.
Our venue is:
Pewsham Community Centre
Lodge Road
SN15 3SY
(Please don't send post to the Venue)
If you want to get in touch with the Committee or have a question about membership send an email to:
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter
and Instagram
Pewsham Belles and Data Protection
We keep the use of your personal information to a minimum so that we can e.g. process membership applications and renewals; keep you informed of events; maintain a record of our meetings; and keep the conversation flowing via social media. For full details see our Data Protection Policy.
For membership options and benefits please click on the button below to view the National Federation of Women's Institutes Website.
We welcome visitors at monthly meetings designated as open; contact us to confirm your attendance. Please note we currently have a capped membership and we have a £5.00 visitors fee.
The Team
President: Ann Mackie
Secretary: Clare Smith
Treasurer: Jenni Blackledge
Committee Members:
Fiona Plant (Assistant Secretary); Gill Pym; Jenni Blackledge (Membership Secretary); Wendy Warman (Website) and Diane Isaac.