We had a lot of fun at Thursday's Group Meeting where the Crafty Crew showed us how to upcycle unloved items of jewellery (our own or sourced from charity shops) into bright new pieces using memory wire. Some members also took the opportunity to source their outfits for next week's 70s evening at the Neeld Hall. Fiona P has a most useful dressing up box for us to plunder. Elsewhere the Book Club enjoyed Allison Pearson's How Hard Can It Be?; and the Crafty Crew had another go at paper cutting and made some spooky lanterns for Hallowe'en. The Flexi Group and Unofficial Supper Club both returned to old haunts; namely Rivo Lounge and the Gladstone Arms respectively. The Theatre Group enjoyed a trip to Bath to see Shakespeare in Love and we joined with our fellow John Aubrey Group members for an informative talk on 'Knitted Comforts for Your Soldier'. Another month packed with activities and variety!

NB If anyone wants to make more bracelets like these, then Gill sourced the memory wire from here. If the link no longer works, then search in Amazon (or similar sites) for 'memory wire' or 'bracelet memory wire' and you will be spoilt for choice. Price guide: Gill managed to find 60 coils for £1.99 including postage (October 2018 prices). If you run out of jewellery to upcycle, then glass beads can be sourced in the same way. Some hints and tips plus ideas for further designs can be found here.