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Michelle Chapman
Mar 25, 2023
Annual Meetings can be fun - Part 2!
... And then the fun really started! For some reason Fiona and Clare weren't too confident about their joint secretaries report and so......

Wendy Warman
Feb 21, 2020
Imagination at work
Wendy introduced a new way of prompting stories this month in the form of the Story Cubes she found last year. With pictures instead of...

Wendy Warman
Nov 4, 2019
Meet our award winning author!
Several Belles enjoyed various Story Town events in Corsham recently; none more so than our talented author Fiona P! An afternoon trip...

Wendy Warman
Oct 11, 2019
Out and About
What a busy few weeks we've had seeing what our local area has to offer! The Theatre Group had their first taste of opera and songs...

Wendy Warman
Oct 4, 2019
When crime does pay!
They say crime doesn't pay, but in the case of Judith Cranswick it does, because she makes a living as a crime writer. She gave an...

Wendy Warman
May 11, 2019
The Write Stuff
This month's Creative Writing group had plenty of variety with Wendy revealing the first part of her genre mash up and the several ways...

Wendy Warman
Apr 15, 2019
Wise words
Creative writing turned out to be a mixed bag of stories this month. Wendy and Fiona have sent off their respective competition entries...

Wendy Warman
Mar 24, 2019
Competition Time
A small but perfectly formed writing group met on Wednesday with tons of enthusiasm for stories written and those yet to come. Wendy...

Wendy Warman
Feb 21, 2019
Writing's new look
Our creative writing group have a smart new logo and are now called the Creative Writing and Storytelling Group in recognition that the...

Wendy Warman
Dec 20, 2018
Our new Jerusalem?
We loved the finale song to our pantomime. Clever Fiona P reworked the words to YMCA for our new anthem, Double You Eye, complete with...

Wendy Warman
Aug 20, 2018
Mischief at the Library
Our creative writers each had a slight variation on the Mischief at the Library writing prompt taken from the local paper last time, but...

Wendy Warman
Jul 14, 2018
Passport to the bridge
A warm summer's evening spent in Wendy's lovely garden hides the fact the Creative Writing group's thoughts turned a little darker this...

Wendy Warman
Jun 1, 2018
Caravan of Love?
It was another lively and interesting evening with the Creative Writing Group listening to one another’s stories with the prompts of...

Wendy Warman
Apr 25, 2018
Church towers and cake make interesting reading...
We had another fun filled evening at Writing Group, exploring the stories inspired by the location 'At the top of the church tower' and...

Wendy Warman
Mar 29, 2018
Belles get Creative
First it was books, so it was almost inevitable we'd try our hand at Creative Writing! Our latest sub-group met for the first time last...

Wendy Warman
Mar 28, 2018
A Year in a Poem
Fiona delivered a most unusual President's report this month... in the form of a poem! A brilliant finale to her time as Pewsham Belles'...
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