We had a great turn-out for our first meeting of 2019, where we reviewed Gail Honeyman's debut novel, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and probably had the most 'on subject' discussion to date. On the whole most people really enjoyed the book with a few exceptions, and some were glad they'd persisted with the read - being a book club choice got them through the first few difficult chapters! We agreed no matter what we thought of the book, it was an excellent way of introducing the issues of mental health and loneliness for a group discussion. Our overall verdict was 8 out of 10, with a wider spread of scores to usual (from 6 to 9). Reese Witherspoon has bought the film rights, so look out for a cinema outing in the (probably far distant) future!
Our next book will be The Dry by Jane Harper. The next meeting is on Tuesday 12th February at 7.30pm at The Flying Monk. Wendy's already reserved the quiet table at the back for us!