The votes are in and we have the next set of reading choices to take us well into 2019. Most of these are from the library's list and so have a good number of books in stock for us to borrow. Having said that, most of them are out already! Wendy is currently trying to call in copies of our top choice Five Rivers Met on a Wooded Plain. Watch this space for further news of our next read. October's John Aubrey Group (JAG) will have local author Judith Cranswick as the speaker. She's a writer of 'cosy mysteries' and the first novel in her Fiona Mason series, Blood on the Bulb Fields, is currently free on Kindle. You may like to download and have a read ahead of October's meeting. Fiona is a tour guide who seems to encounter murder wherever she goes. The library has just been awarded a small grant from Borough Lands to obtain 'reading set' copies (12 books per set) to extend their offering for reading groups (and of course, other borrowers). This is a great thing to have and they've contacted Wendy to see what we'd like to suggest for a good read. If you have any recommendations to add to the book club's suggestions, do get in touch with Wendy ASAP.