Last night's main meeting was a chance for everyone to find out what the Our Town group got up to last year! Michelle's presentation took us swiftly through how Chippenham has changed in the last 100 years; followed by a brief look at Pewsham's early years; then the contrasting lives of ourselves and our ancestors. Then everyone had the chance to get to know each other better using the Chippenham related prompts designed to get the conversation going. Judging by the constant chatter and laughter, this was successful! Lastly the groups compiled a list each of Chippenham's attractions (and some beyond) they'd recommend to visitors. These lists will be used by the Our Town group for April's 'Chippenham 's Top 10' activity. Thanks to everyone for their contribution. Elsewhere this month, the Book Group reviewed Jane Harper's The Dry and published their reading list for the next few months, based on group members' suggestions and votes, The Crafty Crew revisited some of their previous craft activities and the Our Town group brought in a fascinating set of objects and resources based on the 'Made in Chippenham' theme. The Creative Writing & Storytelling group had a small makeover and are trying novel approach with their next writing prompt based on a racing card. The Theatre Group enjoyed a good hefty dose of Instant Wit, and the Flexi Club were bowled over by the crocuses on display at Lacock Abbey in aid of the NGS. Finally, Carla enjoyed her celebration day at Denman with her fellow Walking Netball hosts and England Netball.