For August's Book Club read, we're trying something a little different. May I present... The Pewsham Belles Reading Challenge - a baker's dozen! Your next read is up to you! Choose a book which fits one of the categories listed below. Easy or hard; completely new to you or an old favourite, the Challenge is designed to be as easy or challenging as you wish to make it. Come prepared to talk briefly about your choice at our next meeting on August 13th. Start with the category you chose, what made you select your book, a brief description of what it’s about, and what you think of it. Did you enjoy your choice? What’s your score? We’ll see who else has read it and we’ll compile a list of Belles’ choices for our very own reading list for anyone to dip into when they’re stuck for a good read. NB The Challenge is available to anyone at any time - we'd love to hear what you're reading! The categories are: A book you can finish in a day An unread book on your book shelf A book that is at least 100 years older than you An award winning book – any award, even a Richard and Judy choice counts if you want it to! Recommended by a friend, or the library, or by Waterstones in Chippenham (i.e. one of the little written cards you find dotted around on the shelves – you may like to note what they said about it) A favourite from childhood A book that’s now a film, a play, or a TV series A book of poetry or short stories A book by an author with your initials OR by an author that’s new to you you’d like to read. If it’s a choice that fits both options, even better! The first book in a series A book that’s been translated into English OR about a country or culture you’re unfamiliar with A new book published in 2019 Non-fiction OR a genre you don’t usually read Stuck for a good read? You can read the results of our first reading challenge here - there's plenty of recommendations to choose from.