Social media is all a-quiver since Dolly Parton posted 4 photos of herself recently saying "Get you a woman who can do it all". Well, we think Pewsham Belles can do a whole lot better, presenting a whole WI who can do it all! Some of Dolly's images look like they might be photoshopped, so we've been careful to choose 4 real photos from our archives for our version of the challenge. For business-like LinkedIn we have our 'Tools of the Trade' photograph; homely Facebook has us taking afternoon tea at Denman; for Instagram there's a favourite photo from our own Insta account; and Tinder shows our panto stars, who had a play with the format for their alternative Cinderella. Who can forget Diane's camp Prince Charming who went off with Michelle's bearded lady, or Wendy's busty Floozy? Like many responses to the challenge it's been fun for us to do, though we've also found some food for thought within Dolly's own choice of images. In each photo she portrays a different version of herself, which collectively shows a woman 'who can do it all'. It also shows each social media channel has its own 'side', which should be borne in mind when using them. A successful image on one may be a total turn-off on another, so perhaps we need to think twice before posting the same image across multiple channels. Not only should it fit the image of us we want to convey, it should also fit the channel's audience who receive it. There may also be channels which are inappropriate for our use - it's always better to use fewer or just one channel well, than more or all of them badly. As for the challenge itself, what a fun way to advertise our WI!