Our new BYO – ‘Bring You Own’ book format worked really well, we switched to our new format for our February meeting and it resulted in a wide range of books and lots of varied discussion. We did two round of the members, the first to share their ‘Best/Worst’ read of the month, which is summarised below along with their score out of 10.
We followed up with other current books or planned reads including what’s available on offer or via different platforms such as the Libby App to access ebooks from the library. I’m really looking forward to trying out some of these new reads!
Who read what?
Wendy – Snap by Belinda Bauer - great book - 8/10
Victoria – No Plan B by Lee Child and Andrew Child – disappointing - 4/10
Michelle – Miss Austin by Gill Hornby – so good she’s already bought the next book Godmersham Park which is currently 99p on Kindle 8/10
Fiona B – The Herd by Emily Edwards – very enjoyable – 8/10
Jennie – Unnatural Causes by Dr Richard Shepherd – a fascinating read – 9/10
Kay – The Familiars by Stacey Halls – enjoyable not gripping – 7/10
Susan – Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell – complete absorbing – 9/10
Sheila – The Love of My Other Life by CJ Connolly – enjoyable - (available free if you have Prime Reading) 8/10