We've reached the point at the John Aubrey Group where it's time for Pewsham Belles to determine the programme of talks this year and act as the evening's hostesses. The evening's tasks are shared out amongst the WI's included in the Group and let's just say this is the one we've been the most daunted by.
Kim admitted her nervousness at the start of the evening and then went on to chair the meeting with her usual aplomb, bubbliness and good humour. And we came up trumps with our first speaker, Jane Moore who is a local professional gardener, writer and speaker who is in the process of writing a series of books on gardening for wildlife.
Her first, Planting for Butterflies was the subject for her talk and she treated us to some of the book's wonderful illustrations alongside plentiful photos of butterflies and the plants they love. She also wove in the story of how the book came about, as well as the gardens she looks after locally, as well as one in the grounds of a castle!
Judging by the feedback we've received so far, Jane hit the spot for both gardener and non-gardener alike and Jane was thrilled by the generosity of JAG members who purchased her book afterwards.
Onwards and upwards to October!
