The Crafty Crew met at Diane's on Saturday for a show and tell, plenty of chat, and to plan 2025's projects. They've come up with a fantastic list with something for everyone, plus a new twist in the shape of the denim bag project which will take several meetings to complete.
Here's the full list for 2025:
January - Show & Tell + 2025's plan (done!)
February - Hearts & beads keyring (+ other decorations using our pooled stash)
March - Buttons & beads embroidery
April - start denim bag (slow stitch/sashiko)
The dates for the rest are TBA as follows:
Denim bag - add the lining
Denim bag - attach bag handles
FIMO marble effect (make a fridge magnet or pendant)
Decoupage butterflies
Needle felting
Tin can candle holder (possibly Christmas themed)
Origami - not just cats!
Lino cut and print
Deb's flower bashing (research needed)
Glass or ceramics workshop (need to look at costs) OR a field trip to local craft shop(s)
The eagle-eyed among you will have spotted there are more projects than months in the year. This is to allow for some flexibility, especially as a couple of items need further research re their viability.
The Crew meet at Diane's on the fourth Saturday of the month at 2pm.