It's a while since we've posted about a John Aubrey Group meeting and it's thanks to Carolyn Gilman, one of our joint members who's reported on this month's bash over on Facebook:
"At our area WI JAG meeting, we had a super speaker Stewart Linford telling us all about Winston Churchill, who was amusing and informative. He was also a master carpenter and a Freeman of the City of London.
There was an amazing spread for the break - the tables were groaning with delights. As well as tea there wine too!! The hall was full with our local WI groups, including Pewsham Belles WI and Kington Langley WI .
An altogether fun evening."
The next get together with our other local WIs will be in October, full details to be announced in due course. In the meantime, several Belles are looking forward to June's trip to Blenheim Palace, Churchill's birthplace.