Book Club reached a significant milestone this month with a review of their 50th read, 'The Other Passenger' by Louise Candlish. There were mixed reviews on this one with some readers saying 'a good read' whilst other describe it as 'it's not the pits but...!' Many found the characters unlikeable, which didn't help and whilst the author neatly tied everything together at the end, much of the plot was thought implausible. On the other hand, those with experience of life in London found the characters and their behaviour quite believable.
We scored this book 5.5 out out 10.
Our next book is 'Girl, Woman, Other' by Bernardine Evaristo. There are some copies of this one available to borrow between us for those not wishing to purchase their own, or check on the library's availability. Message the Book Club chat and we'll get you sorted!