...with apologies to Ricky Nelson... if you remember the song! Threatening rainclouds and a little light drizzle didn't put us off the chance for a get together with our Belles friends after four months of virtual meetings via Zoom. A relaxation of some of the lockdown restrictions meant we could hold several garden parties for July's meeting and it's heartwarming to see we had more volunteer hostesses than were needed on the night. Each location had an evening of good company, tea, cake, chat and laughter, within the guidelines for small outdoor gatherings of course, plus our own additions of blankets, brollies and warm clothing to make sure we got the best out of the evening.
The success of the evening can be judged by the comments on when each meeting closed - “We could no longer see each other” and “We stayed out until the light disappeared!!!”

Elsewhere this month, the Walkie Talkies made a return visit to Lacock, where both the cheese scone and ice cream options were sampled with great success. Staying with food, the Book Club reviewed Diane Setterfield's 'Once Upon a River' and declared it a Marmite book, either loved or hated by our readers.
The Creative Writers read their latest stories based on the 4.15pm Great Yarmouth racing card. Fiona P managed to include all the horses' names in her tale with Michelle coming a close second, but she also included the racecard as the time for the train leaving the station in her story.
Lockside generously invited us to their Zoom meeting talk on the Hebrides which was well attended with several members inspired to travel there at a future date. Several Denman at Home courses were enjoyed as were WI Wanderers events. We held our last Entertainment chat with several streamed productions being enjoyed as a result. There has been no shortage of interesting virtual events to enjoy during these strange times!