Seasonal makes started early for the Happy Hookers this year owing to the number of different elements comprising the jolly Santa wreath they've decided to create. For the first session Gill and Sarah recommended everyone have another go at the magic ring for starters (with some resistance!) with the helpful tutorial they'd found recently. It also marked the return to the amigurumi technique, which meant much concentration was needed!
Once the magic ring (or the sneaky workaround) was completed, it was on to making the Christmas lights element to decorate the wreath, with lots of helpful tips for making the festive cover for the ring which forms the base along the way. The latter was left to everyone to make theirs away from the session, with Gill also helpfully offering to buy the rings for those needing them as she was due to visit the right shop for them!
The second session focused on making the jolly Santa. We're yet to see everyone's completed makes, but Sarah has shown 'one she made earlier', so you don't have to wait!
For full instructions see this detailed tutorial. Note that this uses US notation - the first ever Happy Hookers post has some handy conversion guides if you need them.
Note that some Belles had problems with making their Christmas lights the same size. They found two possible reasons for this:
differences in the wool chosen for each colour OR
differing tension as the pattern becomes more familiar
Michelle chose to use the same colour for her lights to get over the differing wool problem (though a change in hook size used is a possible alternative solution), and ditching some of the earlier makes can resolve the second reason, once a consistent make size is reached.