The Happy Hookers got off to a brilliant start for 2023 when they met at Gill's on Saturday to brainstorm the projects they'd like to tackle this year. The collage gives you a good idea of what's in store, with a wide range of fun, useful, and community based items to make.
The need for some pattern and abbreviation guidance, plus UK:US term conversion was also discussed. This post from the Gathered website has lots of useful information for future reference.
Gill also put together a summary list, with dates planned from February until May. We will also make this post the central starting point for this year's makes with links to relevant patterns, guidance on which yarn to use etc. as when the information becomes available. A few starters for 10 are listed after the following image.

Easter Egg covers - ducks and bunnies
Our first project this year and we'll meet at Gill's on February 4th
Pattern(s) to use tba
Probably a different make to last year's bunny Creme Egg cover, with other options for this spring-themed make
Gill says not much yarn is required. Could use your scraps of double knit yarn you have - she thinks she has yellow, orange and black. Bunnies could be pastel colours.
The chick cover made at the meeting is here and there are lots more ideas for Easter or spring makes on the full write up for this project
Cupcakes pin cushion - see the cute pic in the collage!
Meet at Gill's on March 4th
The online free pattern is here, or there is a pdf version available from Ravelry
Meet on April 15th - venue tba
A bigger make than the ones we made before for e.g. yarn storage
Use chunky or Super chunky yarn (or thinner yarn doubled up)
Pattern(s) tba (NB Ann had a paper one on file)
Crochet cat (another cute pic!)
Meet on May 13th - venue Rivo Lounge
Rose and Lily video tutorial (Part 1 cat body) and Part 2 (cat tail, heart and accent stitches) and available on YouTube. Written pattern also available to purchase
Chunky or super chunky plush yarn is used
There's also a similar free written pattern for those who prefer it, which uses double knit yarn, though note the number of stitches and rows are substantially more than the Rose and Lily videos
Cats Protection blankets
What is actually required tba
Little Yellow Duck project
Crochet, knit or sew little yellow ducks for distribution during September's organ donor awareness week
The overall project aims to raise awareness of blood, bone marrow and organ donation - full details are here
The project also links in with WI campaigns
It could also involve our wider WI as we have knitters and other crafters who've joined in on other community focused projects previously (e.g. community bunting, poppies, baby hats for the RUH)
Patterns are available on the Little Yellow Duck Project website, though we're going to search for a cuter duck to crochet!
Draught Excluder
Probably one for the Autumn
Not necessarily the cute cat one in the collage, Google has plenty of images of cute and tempting makes!
Actual patterns are harder to find, though we probably have enough skill to invent one based on an image we like the look of
Mini hats and scarves for snowmen
A joint project with the Crafty Crew, designed to clothe the snowman make Diane discovered and made in 2022
A quick make for towards Christmas time
One option is to make or adapt the mini Santa hat pattern as seen in the collage
Giant Santa hat
One of our larger makes so needs to be done in plenty of time for Christmas
Pattern can be found here - there are variations suitable for various ages and there's also a link to a video tutorial
Might be an idea to buy the yarn needed early as red and white will be popular colours at Christmas!
Worsted weight yarn is used in the pattern - could use double stranded double knit instead?