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Wendy Warman
Oct 30, 2019
October meeting: Felted pictures with the Crafty Crew
Back in the summer the Crafty Crew tried picture felting which proved so popular with the rest of Pewsham Belles when they saw the...

Wendy Warman
Oct 4, 2019
When crime does pay!
They say crime doesn't pay, but in the case of Judith Cranswick it does, because she makes a living as a crime writer. She gave an...

Wendy Warman
Sep 30, 2019
September meeting: Community First Responder swings into action
We welcomed back Torquil MacInnes to September's group meeting, without his baldrick and bells this time! His new 'hat' on this occasion...

Wendy Warman
Sep 2, 2019
Netball News
Our very smart looking netball ladies - including 3 Pewsham Belles - have played in their first tournament! Carla Smith reports via...

Wendy Warman
Aug 29, 2019
Down on Carpenter's Farm
No official meeting for August didn't stop us from having a get together anyway! Carolyne kindly invited us for a return visit to her...

Wendy Warman
Jul 27, 2019
The wonders of Westonbirt
We welcomed Rob Head, a volunteer guide at Westonbirt to our main meeting this month. It was an appropriate choice (despite the record...

Wendy Warman
Jul 1, 2019
Serve On
June's main meeting was a very different one with a visit from some of the Wiltshire based Serve On team and their rescue dogs. The team...

Michelle Chapman
Jun 7, 2019
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!
Thanks for choosing me to be your delegate at the NFWI Annual Meeting this year ladies. Here's a snapshot of the day with a few photos I...

Wendy Warman
Jun 2, 2019
Get ready to Zumba!
Our regular meeting entered new territory this month as the European elections meant we had to seek a new venue. Luckily the newly...

Wendy Warman
May 27, 2019
Success for our Belles!
We have brilliant news this week of success for three of our members! Many congratulations go to Teresa, Pauline, and Michelle whose...

Wendy Warman
Apr 29, 2019
A Year in our WI
The results of the Elizabeth Bell photo competition have been announced, so at last I can reveal our entry. Sadly Pewsham Belles didn't...

Wendy Warman
Apr 28, 2019
Card making with the Crafty Crew
Our Crafty Crew led main meetings are always popular and April's was no exception, with 37 members and 3 guests in attendance for the...

Wendy Warman
Apr 27, 2019
Secret Underground Cities
Lots of Belles, partners and friends attended the John Aubrey Group (JAG) meeting at Kington Langley Village Hall this week. We were...

Wendy Warman
Apr 23, 2019
Congratulations Kim!
I couldn't resist showing you the gorgeous wedding flowers Kim shared on our Instagram account over the Easter weekend. She and Ian...

Wendy Warman
Apr 8, 2019
Follow us on Instagram
We have a new string to our bow! Kim, one of our newbie members and committee member (for social media) as of last month has added...

Wendy Warman
Apr 4, 2019
How to spot and avoid those scams
Following Caroline Gray's talk at March's AM on scam awareness, here's a summary of her top tips, plus some resources and links for...

Wendy Warman
Mar 31, 2019
Don't be scammed
Our third Annual Meeting* concluded with an informative talk by Caroline Gray, from NatWest Bank. Her role as Community Banker includes...

Wendy Warman
Mar 1, 2019
Chippenham, Pewsham and Our Belles
Last night's main meeting was a chance for everyone to find out what the Our Town group got up to last year! Michelle's presentation took...

Wendy Warman
Jan 28, 2019
A return to Denman
April enjoyed last year's weekend at Denman so much, she returned a couple of weeks ago... joined by Fiona P and Clare this time. She and...

Wendy Warman
Jan 26, 2019
Beat those January blues!
It was a fantastic turnout for our first meeting of the year and what a great way to beat those January blues in the shape of Lis Hazell...
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