Fiona delivered a most unusual President's report this month... in the form of a poem! A brilliant finale to her time as Pewsham Belles' founding President and one well worth repeating here. Jam and Jerusalem? More Like Chutney and Chippenham! From wobbly first beginnings to them banging on the door, Queuing up to join us and crying out for more, I’ve stood up here from month to month and find it hard to hide, That I feel just like a mother hen, watching her brood with pride. We’re not quite naked calendars or wild rebellious girls, Nor are we tweed and twin sets with hair in neat set curls, Just modern extraordinary women, making time in our busy lives, To be ourselves and forget a while we’re workers, mothers and wives. There’s been so many good times I don’t know where to start Some fascinating speakers and lots of things where we take part Birds of prey that pooped a lot and piggies on the farm, Antiques to make us work our brains, Tai Chi to keep us calm. We’ve made cute fuzzy panda bears and lovely Christmas craft, With a mix of skill and talent, we always have a laugh, We’ve heard ’bout massive catering feats and childbirth far and near, Tried our hand at juggling, taking photos bright and clear. We’re running out of days each month to fit in all the clubs, There’s plenty of variety – great value for annual subs. You can learn a craft, join in a quiz, eat supper in the town, Or research local history, read a book you can’t put down. We’ve laid a poppy wreath in town, baked cakes for soldiers wives, Knitted hats for newborn babes, given bras to change girls lives, We’ve become a force to reckon with and quite a reputation, For stirring up the status quo with ideas above our station! For many of us members, I think it’s fair to say That a meeting with the Belles can be the highlight of our day, The friendships that we’ve forged in here have changed our lives for better, The day we joined the WI was definitely red letter. And now it’s time for me to take part from the other side To let another take the helm and continue this wonderful ride, So thank you each and every one for making this such a pleasure The joy and confidence I’ve gained I truly cannot measure. Maybe as founding president I’ll be honoured in some way? Perhaps a blue plaque on the wall, or a national holiday? But seriously it has been the most rewarding job of all Quite simply put, I’ve had such fun – it’s been an absolute ball!

Little did Fiona know at the time, she was indeed going to be honoured in some way, and in true Pewsham Belles tradition with a quite unusual gift dreamt up by our new President Sally Cross, and using Sarah F's IT skills plus the words written in her thank you card.