The Our Town group enjoyed an evening of night time photography and saw Chippenham in a new light! The Christmas lights were a-twinkle and the rain had just stopped, leaving the streets full of interesting reflections and lights to capture with our phones and cameras. Michelle had plenty of hints and tips to share for photography at this time of day with just a camera or phone. It means anyone can have a play before deciding whether to invest in a tripod and other equipment such as remote control, light meter etc. Interested in having a go? You can see Michelle's tips sheet here. Now, let's have a look at how everyone got on...

...Carolyn decided to use her in-phone app to create the above collage...

... in fact we took so many photos, it was decided several collages were needed! In this one you'll see some of the photos were converted to black and white afterwards. This is fun to try and is also a neat trick for some night photographs if e.g. orange street lighting has caused a harsh cast on the original photo.

The final collage of our evening's work.

Here's everyone deep in conversation... which carried on afterwards at The Angel Hotel!