A blustery day didn't put us off for the latest Flexi-Club meeting and it turned out our morning rendezvous was the best time to see the snowdrops at Lacock Abbey's opening for the NGS. We started off with coffee and cake at the Stables tearooms as we arrived before the gardens opened... well, that's our excuse and we're sticking to it! At the Abbey, the crocuses were just coming into their own as well as the snowdrops and daffodils, plus we took the opportunity to explore the cloisters, which were noticeably sheltered compared to the blustery day outside. The lovely photos come courtesy of Fiona P (top) and Diane I (below). Future visitors should note to ask specifically for the snowdrop day admission (when applicable) to ensure funds go to the National Gardens Scheme (NGS). Thanks to Sarah W for organising our latest weekend event and sharing your Polos with us!