Several committee members returned to the Community Centre yesterday to check it was still there and to also see how we can operate our meetings safely when we return in September (fingers crossed). It felt unchanged in so many ways and it was lovely to see the 'Show the Love' decorations put up by our Lockside WI friends in February last year were still adding a homely - yet WI campaigning - touch to the hall.
Rooms were checked, revised conditions of hire mused over, and a treasure trove of helpful equipment we didn't know about explored. There are new locks too, plus a new allocation of cupboards in the kitchen for us to fill up on our return. We also discovered it's possible to open the Velux skylights, which will help with our plans for a good airflow.
We will be operating our meetings in a slightly different way to ensure everyone is kept safe when we return. More on this to follow, but in the meantime, let's join Kim in a jig of delight that meetings are set to return to normal quite soon (double crossed fingers)!