We have our second club started under Lockdown!
Many of you know of Fiona P's fascination with graveyards and a visit to an unusual grave in Tytherton Lucas with Carolyne recently sparked an interest in forming a Cemetery Club! An enthusiastic response followed by a call for suitable names plus a vote later, and the Boneyard Belles was formed. Kudos to Clare for coming up with the favoured name.
Fiona's talented daughter Rebecca designed the fab logo you see at the top of this post, which sums up neatly the ethos of the new club; namely the exploration of the tales, architecture and social history associated with these sites, plus the perfect excuse to seek out some convivial tea and cake!
According to Webster's Dictionary, Mark Twain used the term boneyard in 1866 in a letter from Hawaii. He:
"...generalized the term as a synonym of cemetery or graveyard: "It's one of them infernal old ancient graveyards," he writes. "I suppose you didn't know that boneyard was there." People took a liking to such use - perhaps finding it a humorously pleasant alternative to the rather grim cemetery."
Fiona says there's lots of scope for visits both locally and further afield for us taphophiles aka Tombstone Tourists and is looking forward to organising some jolly jaunts once lockdown rules allow.
In the meantime she's set up a private Facebook Group within the Belles one to keep the interest and conversation flowing. Contact her if you'd like to be added to the group.
