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Wendy Warman
Oct 11, 2019
Out and About
What a busy few weeks we've had seeing what our local area has to offer! The Theatre Group had their first taste of opera and songs...

Wendy Warman
Sep 24, 2019
Tales of Milk, an Artist and a Library
The Our Town group had a delightful morning and early afternoon on Saturday exploring this year's Chippenham's Heritage Open Days...

Wendy Warman
Aug 28, 2019
Of Markets and River Street
Fiona Plant reports on the final Wednesday history walk for August... "Another interesting afternoon being tourists in our own town and...

Wendy Warman
Aug 23, 2019
Down by the river Part I
Chippenham Museum's guided walks programme this month is proving popular with both our Belles and the general public alike, as Fiona...

Wendy Warman
Aug 7, 2019
An Insight into Our Town
The Our Town group had a delightful walk around the Causeway (aka Rotten Row) and St Mary Street today courtesy of the guided walks...

Wendy Warman
Jul 24, 2019
A lesson with Miss Squire
July's Our Town visit saw our Belles travelling back in time to the Victorian School at Sevington. Carolyne Carter (via Facebook) reports:...

Wendy Warman
Jun 9, 2019
Our Town rang the changes this month with an expedition to Corsham to solve the Murder Mystery Walk in the walking festival's programme....

Wendy Warman
May 17, 2019
Flexi Plus
A return to Coffee#1 for our flexiclub with a surprise visit from our baby Belle, Winnie! Then some of us went to the library to view the...

Wendy Warman
Apr 9, 2019
The Best of Chippenham - Pewsham Belles recommends
We now have a fab insiders guide to Chippenham - thanks to everyone at February's meeting who helped with the initial brainstorm, and the...

Wendy Warman
Apr 4, 2019
'Chippenham's Top 10'
Our Town met last night to reshape the items listed by everyone at February's main meeting into a mock-up of what a promotional web page...

Wendy Warman
Feb 7, 2019
Made in Chippenham
We had a great start to Our Town this year with the theme 'Made in Chippenham'. The objects brought in for discussion were varied,...

Wendy Warman
Aug 8, 2018
Chippenham today
A small but perfectly formed group ably led by Fiona met for the Our Town group and took some photos of modern day Chippenham to contrast...

Wendy Warman
Jul 11, 2018
Pewsham today
Four stalwart members of the Our Town group met to explore modern day Pewsham. This will form part of the history exhibit the group are...

Wendy Warman
Jun 9, 2018
Maud Heath's Causeway is explored
June's Our Town meeting was another outdoor one, exploring Maud Heath's Causeway this time. It was a perfect summer's evening for our...

Wendy Warman
May 9, 2018
Our Town investigates blue plaques
Fiona Plant reports (via Facebook): The Our Town group had a very interesting blue plaque walk round Chippenham led by Margaret who gave...
Wendy Warman
Mar 19, 2018
Our Town: Extraordinary Women
The Our Town sub-group met in early March to discuss our main project for this year, now retitled Extraordinary Women, because we are at...

Wendy Warman
Jan 25, 2018
First memories of Chippenham
January's Our Town group meeting was all about our first memories of Chippenham, ranging from the early 1960s to recent times, depending...

Wendy Warman
Dec 7, 2017
Chippenham Monopoly
Other places have their own version of Monopoly, so why not Chippenham? That was the puzzle facing attendees at December's Our Town get...

Wendy Warman
Nov 4, 2017
Remember them
The start of the month saw the Our Town group exploring the streets of Pewsham where they'd researched the soldiers commemorated in the...

Wendy Warman
Oct 12, 2017
Chippenham has plenty of spooky tales to tell and luckily the weather cleared just in time for us to hear them on a walk around town....
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