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Thanks from Wilts & Berks Canal Trust

Writer's picture: Wendy WarmanWendy Warman

The final tally from October's cakes and raffle came to £90.10 after Kim took her Bakewell leftovers into work. We've now had a lovely email from Alan Lake at the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust, who Michelle met at the Neeld earlier this year. This inspired her to nominate the Trust as our local charity and you'll see in Alan's thank you there's some good news about the leak at Pewsham Locks... "I understand from the WBCT head office that you on behalf of the Pewsham Belles WI, have made a very generous donation to the canal trust. Patricia Clements forwarded your email onto me. I just wanted to say how much we appreciate your kind gesture, and to offer my services if I can be of any help to you in the future, either through a talk, guided walk from Chippenham town centre to the canal, and maybe on to the Bell at Laycock, which is always a good destination for walks. You mention towpath refreshments, these are usually on the 2nd Saturday of the month, but only during the summer months, when we are, water levels permitting, running boat trips. I think I mentioned that we have had water level problems, but we believe that we have found the leak, so hopefully we should be up and running next year. Please let me know in advance when you are planning any walks and I can advise you of the state of play. Again my grateful thanks Best wishes Alan Lank Talks Coordinator" Michelle has plans for a towpath cakes visit and a possible walk to Lacock next year, so watch this space!

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