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Pewsham Belle
Oct 9, 2021
Our Poppy Day
What a day! Today 8 Pewsham Belles met at Diane I's to attach our share of the poppies we made last year to the joint Chippenham WI...

Pewsham Belle
Jun 11, 2021
From Pewsham Belles with love
It feels almost like it was another life when we had our last bra collection at the back end of 2019. A few members still had their...

Pewsham Belle
Mar 8, 2021
For International Women's Day
At the start of the year NFWI launched a creative challenge to all WIs for today's International Women's Day. Based around the concept of...

Wendy Warman
Jun 18, 2020
Congratulations Teresa!
It seems fitting somehow that Chippenham's first mayor elected virtually is also a Pewsham Belle! We know Teresa has looked forward to...

Wendy Warman
Jun 5, 2020
Raffle thanks
Kim on Facebook says: "In our box of raffle prizes, there were a few consumables that were going to reach their best before date long...

Wendy Warman
May 11, 2020
Poppy Thanks
As well as a starring role in the Gazette and Herald (see photo below), our poppy photos featured in Chippenham's official VE Day 75...

Wendy Warman
May 8, 2020
Poppy Parade
Today we should have joined with the other Chippenham WIs and unveiled our poppy cascade at the Town Hall to commemorate the 75th...

Wendy Warman
Mar 22, 2020
Poppy Appeal
A final catch-up post for our recent weekend meetings and it's an important one to share as we'd love to keep the poppy making project...

Wendy Warman
Nov 12, 2019
Thanks from Wilts & Berks Canal Trust
The final tally from October's cakes and raffle came to £90.10 after Kim took her Bakewell leftovers into work. We've now had a lovely...

Wendy Warman
Sep 30, 2019
September meeting: Community First Responder swings into action
We welcomed back Torquil MacInnes to September's group meeting, without his baldrick and bells this time! His new 'hat' on this occasion...

Pewsham Belle
Jul 25, 2019
Community Support: Our story so far...
Our local community is at the heart of what we do. The slideshow shows our story so far, both in monetary terms and more practical...

Wendy Warman
Jul 1, 2019
Serve On
June's main meeting was a very different one with a visit from some of the Wiltshire based Serve On team and their rescue dogs. The team...

Wendy Warman
Apr 9, 2019
The Best of Chippenham - Pewsham Belles recommends
We now have a fab insiders guide to Chippenham - thanks to everyone at February's meeting who helped with the initial brainstorm, and the...

Wendy Warman
Apr 4, 2019
How to spot and avoid those scams
Following Caroline Gray's talk at March's AM on scam awareness, here's a summary of her top tips, plus some resources and links for...

Wendy Warman
Mar 31, 2019
Don't be scammed
Our third Annual Meeting* concluded with an informative talk by Caroline Gray, from NatWest Bank. Her role as Community Banker includes...

Wendy Warman
Feb 23, 2019
A host of purple crocuses
It was snowdrop day at Lacock Abbey today, though the purple crocuses held centre stage instead. William Henry Fox Talbot planted a few...

Wendy Warman
Jan 13, 2019
Thank You from Doorway
The above certificate was sent to Sally recently following the collection of goodies at our Christmas Party, then converted by her into a...

Wendy Warman
Dec 17, 2018
Full to overflowing
What a lot we collected! An overflowing table of donations at last week's Christmas party which was duly delivered by the bootful to...

Wendy Warman
Dec 16, 2018
What a lot we've got!
A HUGE thanks to everyone who's passed discrete bags of bras to me the past month or so. We've collected 63 bras for Against Breast...

Wendy Warman
Sep 21, 2018
Eat cake and support Wiltshire Sight
September's get together is our meeting where we invite you to eat cake and support a local charity! This year's nominated charity is...
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