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Pewsham Belle
Dec 4, 2021
An evening with Florence Hancock
Dame Florence Hancock is the subject of latest blue plaque unveiled in Chippenham recently and is one of only 8 women thus commemorated...

Pewsham Belle
Nov 27, 2021
Along the canal
We've often walked along the canal at Pewsham as a group, buddies or on individual exercise, so it was good to welcome Dave Maloney to...

Pewsham Belle
Oct 29, 2021
Poppy Pride
We have our poppy cascade at last! On Thursday members from all four Chippenham WIs (shown above) met up to see it finally take pride of...

Pewsham Belle
Sep 14, 2021
On the Peacock Trail
Ten Pewsham Belles had a fab time in town on Saturday taking in all the Peacock Arts Trail has to offer this September. We were so busy...

Pewsham Belle
Aug 9, 2021
Let's timewarp to 1643
Seven Belles had an amazing time at the Civil War re-enactment in Chippenham over the weekend, where they explored the life and times of...

Pewsham Belle
Jun 6, 2021
Art Outdoors... and Indoors!
It was a fab day for Our Town yesterday with plenty of sunshine for a relaxed coffee at Grounded followed by discovering the 6 items on...

Pewsham Belle
Mar 30, 2021
Signs of Spring
The Belles rose to Our Town's photohunt challenge magnificently for March with photos taken in our gardens or out on walks. We started...

Wendy Warman
Feb 8, 2021
Winter in the garden
From left to right and top to bottom we have: Double hellebore, Clematis 'Freckles', snowdrops, Garrya, violas, hazel catkins, Skimmia,...

Wendy Warman
Dec 26, 2020
Your Lockdown Life Winter Special is here
Stuffed full of your favourite things, stories and photos, plus lots of things to make and do, Lockdown Life is set to chase away those...

Wendy Warman
Dec 10, 2020
The Joy of Christmas
The Joy of Christmas window display was the perfect excuse for a Sunday stroll around town and a wonderful opportunity for a group -...

Wendy Warman
Nov 5, 2020
We ARE the history!
Michelle and Carolyne snuck in a quick look at the COVID-19 exhibition at the Museum recently just before Lockdown 2.0 kicked in. It was...

Wendy Warman
Sep 23, 2020
St Mary Street Revealed
Chippenham Museum have been inventive with their offerings during the Covid-19 situation, providing activities, caption competitions,...

Wendy Warman
Jun 18, 2020
Congratulations Teresa!
It seems fitting somehow that Chippenham's first mayor elected virtually is also a Pewsham Belle! We know Teresa has looked forward to...

Wendy Warman
Jun 10, 2020
From a Day in the Life to Lockdown Life
It all started with an idea and a little slip of paper inserted in the goodies we distributed to you all in early May. "Write about your...

Wendy Warman
May 11, 2020
Poppy Thanks
As well as a starring role in the Gazette and Herald (see photo below), our poppy photos featured in Chippenham's official VE Day 75...

Wendy Warman
May 8, 2020
Poppy Parade
Today we should have joined with the other Chippenham WIs and unveiled our poppy cascade at the Town Hall to commemorate the 75th...

Wendy Warman
Feb 29, 2020
#FringeFeb Friday
A bit of rain didn't stop our intrepid Our Town regulars from enjoying the first day of Chippenham's first ever Fringe February aka...

Wendy Warman
Feb 8, 2020
Our Town: Where can we go?
There was plenty of time for a good chinwag as well as discussion of the public transport options available from Chippenham at Our Town's...

Wendy Warman
Dec 2, 2019
Skillshare: Night Photography
The Our Town group enjoyed an evening of night time photography and saw Chippenham in a new light! The Christmas lights were a-twinkle...

Wendy Warman
Nov 3, 2019
Curious cabinets... and gin!
Friday night saw several intrepid Pewsham Belles at the Cabinet of Curiosity and Gin event. This was a new venture for Chippenham Museum,...
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